职 称:教授 博士生导师
邮 箱:ysliu@sdnu.edu.cn
刘衍胜,男,博士,教授,山东省数学会副理事长。生于1966年5月,1991年6月山东师范大学基础数学专业硕士毕业后留校任教,2003年6月在山东大学获理学博士学位。1999年11月被评为副教授,2003年11月被破格评为教授。受国家留学基金委资助,曾于2006年8月-2007年8月赴加拿大York大学研究访问。 2011年5月至2015年7月担任数学科学学院副院长,2015年8月至2019年5月担任数学与统计学院院长。完成国家自然科学基金5项,主持完成山东省自然科学基金项目3项、教育部重点项目1项和山东省研究生教育创新计划项目1项,目前承担国家自然科学基金项目2项。与他人合作,在科学出版社出版专著两部,有五十余篇学术论文发表在SCI收录的杂志上。负责的非线性泛函分析课程获批2019年山东省研究生优质课程建设项目;分析类课程教学团队获批2019年校级本科教学团队;泛函分析课程获批2019年学校混合式金课建设项目立项。
硕士研究生招生专业:基础数学 非线性微分方程
3.Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes,Journal of Applied Mathematics 和 International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation的编委。
1. 傅希林,闫宝强,刘衍胜著,脉冲微分系统引论(现代数学基础丛书96号),北京,科学出版社,2005
2. 傅希林,闫宝强,刘衍胜著,非线性脉冲微分系统,北京,科学出版社,2008
3. 刘衍胜,Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains in a Banach Space, Applied Mathematics and Computation,135(2003)569-583. (SCI)
4. 刘衍胜,Boundary value problems on half-line for functional differential equations with infinite delay in a Banach space, Nonlinear Analysis(TMA), 52(7)(2003), 1695-1708. (SCI)
5. 刘衍胜,Existence and unboundedness of positive solutions for singular boundary value problems on half-line, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 144(2003), 543-556. (SCI)
6. 刘衍胜,Structure of a class of singular boundary value problem with superlinear effect, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 284(2003), 64-75. (SCI)
7. 刘衍胜,Twin solutions to Singular Semipositone Problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 286(2003). 248-260.(SCI)
8. 刘衍胜,B. Yan, Multiple Solutions of Singular Boundary Value Problems for Differential Systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 287(2)(2003). 540-556. (SCI)
9. 刘衍胜,A. Qi, Positive solutions of nonlinear singular boundary value problem in abstract space, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 47(2004), 683-688.(SCI)
10. 刘衍胜,Multiple positive solutions of nonlinear singular boundary value problem for fourth order equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 17(7)(2004),747-757. (SCI)
11. 刘衍胜,Global structure of solutions for a class of two-point boundary value problems involving singular and convex or concave nonlinearities,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 322(1)(2006),75-86. (SCI)
12. 刘衍胜,H.Yu, Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solution for Singular Boundary Value Problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 50(2005),133-143.(SCI)
13. 刘衍胜,Multiple Solutions of Periodic Boundary Value Problems for First Order Differential Equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 54(1)(2007), 1-8. (SCI)
14. 刘衍胜, D.O’Regan,Bifurcation techniques for Lidstone boundary value problems, Nonlinear Analysis(TMA), 68 (2008) 2801–2812. (SCI)
15. 刘衍胜,Periodic Boundary Value Problems for First Order Functional Differential Equations with Impulse, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 223 (2009), 27–39.(SCI)
16. X.Hu,刘衍胜, J.Wu,Culling Structured Hosts to Eradicate Vector-borne Diseases,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE),6(2)(2009) 301–319. (SCI通讯作者)
17. H. Li, 刘衍胜,D.O’Regan,Global behavior of the components of nodal solutions for Lidsone boundary problems, Applicable Analysis, 88(8) 2009, 1173 - 1182.(SCI 通讯作者)
18. 刘衍胜,D.O’Regan,Multiplicity results using bifurcation techniques for a class of boundary value problems of impulsive differential equations, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 16 (2011) 1769–1775.(SCI)
19. 刘衍胜,D.O’Regan, Multiplicity Results for a Class of Fourth Order Semipositone m-Point Boundary Value Problems, Applicable Analysis, 91(2012),911-921.(SCI)
20. H. Li, 刘衍胜, On sign-changing solutions for a second-order integral boundary value Problem,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 62 (2011) 651–656.(SCI)
21. H.Li, 刘衍胜,On the uniqueness of the positive solution for a second-order integral boundary value problem with switched nonlinearity,Applied Mathematics Letters,24 (2011) 2201–2205.(SCI)
22. N. Liu, 刘衍胜, New multi-soliton solutions of a (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation,Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 71(8, April)(2016), 1645-1654. (SCI 通讯作者)
23. 刘衍胜, Y.Zheng, H.Li, F.E.Alsaadi, B.Ahmad, Control design for output tracking of delayed Boolean control networks, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 327(2018),188-195. (SCI)
24. X. Xu , 刘衍胜, H. Li, F. E. Alsaadi, Robust set stabilization of Boolean control networks with impulsive effects,Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control,23(2018), 553–567.(SCI 通讯作者)
25. X. Xu, 刘衍胜, H. Li, F. E. Alsaadi,Synchronization of Switched Boolean Networks with Impulsive Effects,International Journal of Biomathematics,11 (2018),1850080 (18 pages).(SCI通讯作者)
26. D. Zhao, 刘衍胜, X. Li, Controllability for a class of semilinear fractional evolution systems via resolvent operators,Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 18(2019),455-478.(SCI 通讯作者)