报告题目:Numerical methods of quasiperiodic systems
报 告 人:蒋凯教授 湘潭大学
报告摘要:We develop a novel fully-decoupled numerical technique for the incompressible two-phase flow phase-field model with variable density and viscosity, which can achieve unconditional energy stability while explicitly discretizing nonlinear coupling items. The idea is invented on the basis of combining the Strang operator splitting method and the novel decoupling method using the zero-energy-contribution property. The scheme only needs to solve a series of completely independent linear elliptic equations at each time step, in which the Cahn-Hilliard equation and the pressure Poisson equation are constant coefficient. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme, we provide the rigorous proof and present some numerical simulations.
报告时间:2024年6月13日 11:00-12:00
报告地点:文渊楼 B536